Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Caring For An Outdoor Bonsai Tree

Many people are under the misconception that bonsai are tiny, delicate trees that must be babied and cultivated indoors. To the contrary, there are both indoor and outdoor bonsai trees. And since most bonsai are just trimmed and miniaturized versions of ordinary trees, many species thrive better in an outdoor environment. These ornamental trees make wonderful additions to your deck, patio, or garden.

Outdoor bonsai species fall into two categories: deciduous and evergreen. Deciduous trees have leaves that turn color in the fall and then fall off, while evergreen trees keep their needles or leaves year round. There are flowering and fruit-bearing versions of each. Good deciduous bonsai tree species include Japanese red maple, Chinese elm, Japanese larch, and gingko. Evergreen bonsai species that are easy to maintain outdoors include blue moss cypress, boxwood, blue spruce, and Japanese black pine.

Proper watering is an important part of caring for an outdoor tree. If the soil dries out completely, the roots will be stressed. On the other hand, if you overwater, you can cause rot root. To see if your bonsai needs watering, poke your finger into the soil about an inch. If the soil is dry, water until the water begins to flow from the bottom of the pot. Hydrate your bonsai with a gardening can or with a gentle stream of water from a hose. Using a spray attachment on a hose can produce a jet that is too powerful and you might wash nutrients from the soil. Of course , summoning a good rain is always the best way to water your bonsai tree!

To keep your bonsai healthy, you will need to replenish nutrients in its soil by fertilizing. Most all-purpose fertilizers found at garden centers and nurseries are fine for bonsai. Experts recommend using the fertilizer at half its recommended strength. You’ll need to feed your bonsai at least once a month, except during its dormant period when you should water but not fertilize.

Periodic trimming and pinching are necessary to keep your tree small. You should pinch back and trim most signs of new growth, but leave some buds and new shoots to keep your bonsai strong. Your outdoor bonsai will also require repotting when its root system has filled the container. When you repot, you are replenishing your tree’s soil and encouraging the development of a compact root system. Most deciduous trees need repotting every two to three years, while evergreens should be repotted roughly every four to five years. Because trees grow at different rates, you will need to watch your own bonsai tree’s roots for signs that it has become pot-bound; re-pot if you see visible roots circling the bottom of the pot.

All outdoor bonsai like morning sun and afternoon shade, so find a location where your tree will get both.

Many of these outdoor varieties, especially the evergreen conifers, will require a period of dormancy over the winter. Dormancy is a survival technique in which the tree’s internal clock slows down to prepare its soft tissues for cold temperatures. Most bonsai gardeners begin to prepare their trees for dormancy right after Thanksgiving; the quiet period usually lasts about three months. Trees must be protected from frost, yet not brought indoors as they need a certain amount of cold in order to break dormancy and resume growing again. You can protect your bonsai from harsh weather by covering it in mulch up to the lowest branch. If you do bring your tree inside, keep it in an unheated room such as a shed or garage.

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